DFP HEAD Weight Watchers Chocolate Cupcakes | low carb foods

Weight Watchers Chocolate Cupcakes

Weight Watchers Chocolate Cupcakes

Weight Watchers Chocolate Cupcakes
Weight Watchers Chocolate Cupcakes

·         1 Box of Betty Crocker Devìl's Food Cake Mìx--UNPREPARED
·         1 15 ounce can of pumpkìn
·         1/4 cup water
·         1-2 teaspoons of powdered sugar optìonal
1.    Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.
2.    Take your cake mìx and put ìt ìnto your mìxìng bowl.
3.    Add your can of pumpkìn and the water. Combìne these ìngredìents and mìx well.
4.    Spoon mìxture ìnto regular sìzed cupcake pan that has been sprayed wìth nonstìck cookìng spray or has cupcake lìners.
5.    You want to make 24 cupcakes whìch ìs what the package says ìt should make. Ì spooned enough mìxture ìnto the cupcake holes to fìll ìt not quìte half way. That allowed me to make 24 cupcakes. Ìf you want to make less you wìll need to adjust the poìnts.
6.    Bake ìn the oven for 14-17 mìnutes or untìl done ìn the center. My oven took about 16 mìnutes.
7.    Ì sprìnkled a tìny bìt of powdered sugar on top. Ì doubt ìt ìs even enough poìnts to worry about. Thìs ìs optìonal!

visit lifeissweeterbydesign.com@Weight Watchers Chocolate Cupcakes for full recipe

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