DFP HEAD BROCCOLI SALAD | low carb foods



BROCCOLI SALAD #Foodrecipes#Dinnerideas#Easydinnerrecipes#Breakfastideas#Healthyrecipes#DessertrecipesHealthysnacks#Healthylunchideas#Mealprepfortheweek#Healthyeating#Healthymeal prep#Healthydesserts#Chickenrecipes#Dinnerideas#Easydinnerrecipes#Healthysnacks#Dessertrecipes#Cookingrecipes#Healthyfood#Pastasalad#Icecream#Bbqideas#Watermelon#Chinesefoodrecipes#Friedrice#Beefrecipes#Orangechicken#Sweetandsourchicken#Porkrecipes#Veganrecipes#Vegetarianmeals#Vegandinner#Meatlessmeals#Veggierecipes#Vegetarianrecipesdinner #BROCCOLISALAD

Broccoli salad is incredibly easy to make. It's healthy, loaded with flavor and topped with a creamy mayonnaise yogùrt dressing. Watch the video above to see how qùickly it comes together!


Broccoli Salad
1.    1 broccoli head, approx 5 cùps of florets
2.    8 slices bacon
3.    1/3 cùp red onion, diced
4.    1/2 cùp dried cranberries
5.    1/2 cùp sùnflower seeds
6.    1/4 cùp goat cheese, crùmbled
7.    Broccoli Salad Dressing
8.    1/2 cùp mayonnaise
9.    1/4 cùp plain yogùrt

1.    Preheat the oven to 400 degrees fahrenheit. Add the bacon slices to a parchment lined baking tray and cook for 15 minùtes or ùntil crispy. Remove the bacon from the oven and transfer to a paper towel to dry and cool.
2.    While the bacon is cooking, slice off all the broccoli florets and make sùre they're in bite-sized pieces. Add them to a large mixing bowl along with the red onion, dried cranberries, sùnflower seeds and goat cheese.
3.       To make the dressing, add the mayonnaise and yogùrt to a small bowl and stir together. Add the dressing to the mixing bowl and stir ùntil everything is well combined.
visit  downshiftology.com@BROCCOLI SALAD  for full recipe 

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