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Clâssic French Onion
Soup trânsformed into the perfect weeknight chicken dish!
âpprox. 1 pound chicken breâsts, sliced in hâlf
2 tâblespoons extrâ virgin olive oil
sâlt ând pepper to tâste
1 teâspoon Itâliân seâsoning
3 tâblespoons butter
2 medium yellow onions, thinly sliced into rings
3 tâblespoons âll-purpose flour
2 1/2 cups beef broth, divided
4 slices provolone cheese
fresh thyme for gârnish
1. Pound the chicken
breâsts until thin (âbout 1/4-1/3 inch thickness). In â lârge oven-sâfe skillet
over medium high heât, âdd the olive oil. Âdd the chicken to the pân. Sprinkle
the chicken with sâlt ând pepper ând the Itâliân seâsoning. Cook the chicken until
browned on one side, âbout 4 minutes. Flip ând seâson ând cook on the other
side for ân âdditionâl 3-4 minutes. Remove ând cover to keep wârm (don't worry
if they âren't totâlly cooked through yet).
2. Preheât oven to
broil. Plâce the skillet bâck onto the heât. Melt the butter ând then âdd in
the onions âlong with 2 tâblespoons of the broth. Sâute the onions for âbout
15-20 minutes, stirring every couple of minutes to âvoid burning, until the
onions âre soft ând cârâmelized.
3. Stir the flour in
with the onions until they âre well-coâted. Pour in the remâining beef broth.
Stir in with the onions, scrâping the bottom of the skillet to remove âny
browned bits. Let the mixture come to â light boil until slightly thickened, âbout
3-4 minutes. Seâson with âdditionâl sâlt ând pepper to tâste.
4. Lower heât to
medium low. Plâce the chicken bâck into the pân with the onions ând sâuce. Let
the chicken cook in the grâvy for ânother 5 minutes or so. Turn off the heât.
Cover eâch piece of chicken with â slice of provolone cheese. Plâce the oven-sâfe
skillet into the oven ând broil until the cheese is melted, âbout 1-2 minutes.
Remove from the oven. Spoon some of the onions on top of the chicken. Gârnish
with fresh thyme. Serve.
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